...and it smells like rain, coffee, high school, burnt leaves, disembodied souls, Alfred Hitchcock movies, fresh baked croissants and and the engine of an old busted up Camero.
That would be my book, you see. As in, it's so close to being finished that I can smell all the little random details. No, no...please don't run away. I swear my book is not in any way, shape or form about Brad Pitt. It will all make sense when you read it. Which, if the fairies in charge of granting agents are listening, then maybe...just maybe...
Do not ask me how I've managed to write this book. I really can't tell you. I look back on my day and it's one big blur, yet, I'm staring at another chapter that I somehow managed to eek out. I write mostly during nap time, if She Who Shall Never Sleep Like A Normal Human chooses to actually take one. If she does, it's usually about thirty minutes. Forty-five if I'm lucky. Aside from that, I steel a few minutes here and there throughout the day. Which leads me to my next point....
I wondering if, when I got back to do edits/revisions, it's going to read like it's been written by someone who freebases NoDoz. I'm hoping not. Of course, if I'm doing edits/revisions under the same circumstances I wrote the first drafts, then I might not be able to tell. Which leads me to my next point....
I'll be looking for Beta readers soon. I've got a couple already set up, but could use maybe one or two more. If there's anyone up to reading and giving honest feedback/critiques (I'm looking for a little more than just "yeah, it was good" or "holy hell, it sucked rocks") in a somewhat timely manner (preferably not six month after I send it you) then let me know. I'd certainly be happy to return the favor at some point!